SKU: GyrotedderKUHN tedders are designed to guarantee the best crop spreading under all conditions. KUHN tedders are simple, compact and lightweight and are perfectly suited for work on hilly terrain. read more read less
5.0m Gyrotedder - Optional Extras
- 1 X Anti-wrap kit for GF 502 series (1 Kit per machine) (UKU1116310)
- 1 X Anti-wrap kit for GF 8712 series (4 Kits needed) (UKUK8815660)
8.7.0m Gyrotedder - Optional Extras
- 1 X Anti-wrap kit for GF 502 series (1 Kit per machine) (UKU1116310)
- 1 X Anti-wrap kit for GF 8712 series (4 Kits needed) (UKUK8815660)
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The KUHN GF Series rotary tedders are designed to meet the needs of small-acreage hay producers who demand the highest quality tedding of forage to ensure even and quick drydown. These tedders have all the features required for high-quality tedding without being hard to operate.
These machines feature small-diameter rotors that provide complete turnover and uniform distribution of the hay for unmatched drying speeds. The rotor height and tine angle are easily adjustable to optimize tedding in all crop conditions. Angular wheel adjustment provides oblique tedding at field edges to keep hay from being thrown out of fields or onto fences.
• Tedding width of 5m
• Attachment 3-Point
• Fitted with exclusive DIGIDRIVE® system
• Large balloon tyres for improved performance.
• Foldable to facilitate transport.
Click here for more information.
These machines feature small-diameter rotors that provide complete turnover and uniform distribution of the hay for unmatched drying speeds. The rotor height and tine angle are easily adjustable to optimize tedding in all crop conditions. Angular wheel adjustment provides oblique tedding at field edges to keep hay from being thrown out of fields or onto fences.
• Tedding width of 5m
• Attachment 3-Point
• Fitted with exclusive DIGIDRIVE® system
• Large balloon tyres for improved performance.
• Foldable to facilitate transport.
Click here for more information.